Mecistogaster pronoti

Mecistogaster Pronoti is an extremely rare or already extinct dragonfly species from Brazil, which has been known only from one female described in 1918.


The only known specimen has a body length of 60 millimeters. The abdomen measures 54 millimeters, the length of the forewings is 41 mm, the rear wing 40 mm and the width of the hind wings 8 mm. The top of the head, the upper lip and epistome are black, the lower lip is yellow. The black prothorax shows a fine edge on the posterior lobe. The thorax is black brown on the front, otherwise bronze weak. The hips and thighs rings are pale yellow with dark spots. The legs and rails are black, as are the tarsi. The narrow, red-yellow claws have dark tips. The abdomen is dark brown on the upper side, otherwise colored blue metallic luster. On the underside of the abdomen shows a yellowish color. The wings are translucent with a faint hint of pale yellow wing paint cost in Alfeld. The outermost tips of the wings are milky white. The forewings have about 37 to 40 Postcostalen.


Mecistogaster Pronoti comes or came in the Mata Atlântica in front of the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. The Terra typica was hit hard by deforestation affected and the type despite chasing since 1918 no longer recovered. The IUCN classifies this dragonfly in the category " Endangered" ( critically endangered ) a.
