Medellín, Spain

Medellín is a municipality (Spanish municipality ) in the Spanish province of Badajoz Extremadura region. The place is situated on the left bank of the Guadiana.

Medellín is the birthplace of the conquistador Hernán Cortés in Mexico ( 1485-1547 ). The name Medellín is of Roman origin. The place was named after the consul and proconsul Quintus Caecilius Metellus the Hispanic provinces Pius Cecilia Mettellina.

On March 28, 1809 took place in the vicinity of the Battle of Medellín Medellín under the so-called Peninsular War against Napoleonic troops instead.

From the long history of Medellín different structures are obtained:

  • A castle that served as a fortress throughout the region Serena;
  • A frequently restored in the past, originally Roman bridge;
  • Remains of the Roman road that led to Mérida ( Via de la Plata).

In August 2010, the monument Cortés was attacked by anonymous citizens and bschmiert with red color. This should be understood as a protest against the genocide perpetrated with and after the conquest of Mexico to the natives of the country.
