
A memorandum is a memorandum to an opinion, a kalendarisches Wish issue or simply a note with something memorable, short memo. The word is of Latin origin: memorandum literally means " the -to-remember " or " that to which is to be remembered" ( gerunds to memorare, remember '), memo is an abbreviation for memoria, memory ', ' memory ', ' reminder '. The plural is memoranda or memorandums.


As calendar ( chronological year or day view), the memorandum is a summary of special events. Memoranda in this sense is about:

  • Appointment book
  • Calendar of events
  • Astronomical Calendar (ephemeris )

Reminder note

With memo is sometimes referred to small notes that one draws, for example, when calling to keep what is said or Heard in memory. Usually, a memo is then drafted in keywords.

Memos to use as well as an appointment notice in the office sector.


In the legal practice, a text is often referred to as a memorandum, which answers a legal question internally or to clients. How memoranda are designed in detail, is a matter of opinion and varies from firm to firm. A possible structure variant would be the following:

Memorandum also referred to - taken from the English usage - such as a Memorandum of Understanding A non-binding letter of intent of contracting parties.


Following Summit of Heads of State or private meetings of politicians, and other governing bodies, a common position is often published, which, when it is held to be particularly important or memorable, is titled as Memorandum.
