Memory Island Provincial Park

IUCN Category II - National Park


The Memory Iceland Provincial Park is less than 1 hectare Provincial Park in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The park is located about 37 kilometers northwest of Vicotria and is located in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.

In its vicinity, on the northwestern shore of Shawnigan Lake, lies the West Shawnigan Lake Provincial Park.


The park is one of the two smallest Provincial Park in British Columbia. It is located on an island at the southern end of Shawnigan Lake. The park is accessible only by boat. The park is the only one on Vancouver Iceland, which lies on an island in a freshwater lake. In the park is a protected area category II (National Park).


The park is one of the oldest of the remaining 30 BC Provincial Park and was established in 1945. With his name should be reminded of two residents who have fallen in the Second World War.

Flora and Fauna

Because of the small size of the park a classification in the ecosystem of British Columbia is problematic. The surrounding farms are, however, associated with the Eastern Very Dry Maritime subzone of the Coastal Douglas - fir zone.

Due to the relatively remote location, breed on the island like different birds. The park management was able to prove nesting mergansers, belted kingfisher and Wilson's Snipe.


The park is a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts. Lots of paddlers use the small island for a stop from West Shawnigan Lake Provincial Park.

The park has no sites for tents or similar and has only a simple plumbing system.
