
Merauke is a town founded in 1902 in the district of Merauke in the Indonesian province of Papua. It is located in the south of New Guinea at the mouth of the river Maro in the Arafura Sea. In the hinterland of the Merauke - Yos Sudarso Island lie (formerly Frederik -Hendrik Island, Indonesian Pulau Yos Sudarsa ) and the Aroe Islands. It is the easternmost city of Indonesia.

Merauke is the seat of an archbishop ( Archdiocese of Merauke ), 2005, the Catholic Church celebrated its 100th anniversary there.

The Swiss anthropologist Paul Wirz began in 1916 from Merauke from his work at the Marind - anim.

The Indonesian saying Dari Sabang sampai Merauke ("from Sabang to Merauke " ) is used as an expression for the description of the entire Indonesian territory.

Air table
