Mercedes-Benz L3000

The Mercedes -Benz L 3000 was a truck of Daimler -Benz AG, which was produced from 1938 to 1945 in Germany.

Development and preliminary models

From 1896, Daimler-Motoren -Gesellschaft and light and heavy trucks built next to passenger vehicles with a payload up to 10 t for the civilian and the military sector. The Reichswehr used 3- ton truck as a crew car. From 1934, Daimler- Benz produced under the name Mercedes -Benz LG 63 some -terrain vehicle trials, 3000 were after successful testing as Mercedes LG in series production and were delivered from 1936 to Wehrmacht, imperial post, Reichsbahn and farms.

Mercedes L 3000

From 1938, the 3-ton truck Mercedes L 3000 followed - work internally as LGF 3000 called - as a road vehicle with modern steel cab. In contrast to the mostly gasoline-powered truck in its time the L 3000 had a 4850 cc diesel engine with an engine power of 75 hp at 2250/min.

When war broke out in 1939 many LG and L were collected as part of the 3000 substantive mobilization supplement and used by the Wehrmacht. The Wehrmacht classified the LG 3000 in the Kriegsstärkenachweisungen as " middle -terrain truck, open ( o )", which received various structures and equipment kits depending on the application.

To conserve resources, the German truck manufacturer were instructed on 1 January 1940 to focus instead of the previous large variety of types on the completion of unit truck. As a " unit truck" types L 3000 or LG 3000 were now under the names Mercedes L 3000 S ( 3000 = 3.0 t, S = Standard), and Mercedes L 3000 A (A = wheel ) delivered. Similarly, the 4.5 - tonne lorry emerged designed Mercedes L 4500 S / A, which were built partly in the variant as a mule - halftrack using chassis of the Panzer II. Even lighter trucks of the types Mercedes L 1100, L 1500 Mercedes S / A and Mercedes L 2000 L (= easy) were delivered.

The unit truck initially differed from the previous models only by the rounded fenders. From 1943 civilian trucks were usually equipped with a wood gasification plant since the scarce gasoline preferably in the Wehrmacht were used. Later the cab usual made ​​for the Unity trucks of wood was used.

Other types of trucks until 1945

Production of the L 3000 was only in 1944 set after the Opel Brandenburg plant failed during an air raid in early August 1944 as a producer and Daimler -Benz is now the sole manufacturer of the important war Opel "Blitz" 3.6 was whose license built in the truck Mannheim plant of Daimler had -Benz started only recently. In addition to the L 3000 and the 3 -to- Opel " Blitz", Daimler -Benz numerous other size classes ago that started the Wehrmacht for the most part.

