Mercury(I) sulfate

Mercurosulfat (trade name)

Odorless white crystals


7.56 g · cm -3

  • Well soluble in nitric acid
  • Insoluble in water and organic solvents
  • Soluble in trichloromethane


205 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, rat, oral)

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Mercury (I ) sulfate is a chemical compound of the heavy metal mercury, with molecular formula Hg2SO4. It is rarer than the mercury (II ) sulfate.

Production and representation

Mercury (I ) sulfate can be obtained similarly nitrate dihydrate with sulfuric acid, preparation of the mercury ( I) chloride by reacting a solution of mercury (I).


Mercury (I ) sulfate is in the form of white-yellow crystals, which is readily soluble in nitric acid and sulfuric acid, only slightly soluble. It has a monoclinic crystal structure with space group P2 / a At light, it turns gray.


Found using mercury (I ) sulfate is in the range of the galvanic cells, such as the Clark standard cell or the normal Weston element.
