Meristem#Apical meristems

Apical meristems (Latin: apex = apex, peak, gr: merizein = share ) or Scheitelmeristeme are capable of dividing meristems of plants. They are available at the respective peak of root and shoot and occur there along with the Primärmeristem. Task of this tissue is the production of shoot and root cells.


Apical meristems are conical shaped with most higher plants. In rosette plants flattened or convex apical meristems occur, there are palm trees in large dish-shaped, so-called apex pits. Apical Scheitelmeristeme of the shoot are often enveloped by leaf primordia, while basal Scheitelmeristeme be protected at the root tips of the root cap.


In the area of the apical meristem are the Primärmeristeme in which there is the actual cell division. The apical meristem tissue is different from the duration of the type and function, as it is, in contrast to the duration of tissue from non-differentiated cells, has relatively thin cell walls, and has only slightly above Zellsaftvakuolen.


The apical part of the embryonic meristems as any other tissue which is the stem cells of the animals compared. The cells of the apical meristem are particularly involved distribution joyful and instrumental in the growth of the plant. The formation of organs (eg, leaves and side shoots ) is capable of dividing stem cells ( initial) allows that remain in Scheitelmeristem.

Use in Herbal Tissue Culture

In the context of in vitro culture can be used especially in the augmentation of herbaceous plants, the apical meristem of the shoot as explant for direct cloning of the plant. As part of the meristem is used in the strict sense only the apical meristem of the shoot. This is technically very complicated and is used as a method of Herbal tissue culture rather rare. In the shoot tip culture, which is colloquially but often also classified under the term meristem culture, in addition to the apical meristem of the surrounding leaf primordia and a greater amount of surrounding tissue such as leaf or shoot systems are also used. This is the additional formation of Adventivorganen, above all adventitious shoots, promoted.
