Meru (overseer of sealers)

Meru was an ancient Egyptian high official with the official title of the head of Siegler. He officiated under Mentuhotep II (ca. 2000 BC)

Meru is known from various sources. In Thebes he had a big grave ( TT240 ). He appears in two rock inscriptions in the Shatt er - Rigale. In Turin there is a stele that is dated in the 46th year of the reign of Mentuhotep II. Meru was, among other things, the title of royal Siegler, only friend and head of the foreign countries. The latter title may suggest that he was involved in one of Nubienfeldzüge of Mentuhotep II. Up to the grave chamber his grave is largely undecorated. The grave is located in Deir el- Bahari and has a large atrium. The grave chapel, which consists of a long corridor and located behind cult chapel is undecorated. The grave chamber, however, is adorned with pyramid texts and sacrificial altars. In the bottom of the grave chamber of the sarcophagus Merus was inserted, which was painted on the inside of turn rich.
