Meta River

Ferry across the Río Meta on the road from Puerto Ayacucho to San Fernando de Apure in Venezuela

The Río Meta with an average outflow of about 4,300 m³ / s the third largest tributary of the South American Orinoco and current flows through the eastern Llanos of Colombia. He is released 1200 km long and about 900 km from Puerto López vessel traffic. This river is thus an important part of the economy between Colombia and Venezuela.

The meta arises from the rivers Humea, Guayuriba and Guatiquía that apply to the high altitudes of Sumapaz, on the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, their origin. In the meta flow under the other Cravo Sur, the Casanare, the Cusiana, the UPIA and the Manacacías.

See also: List of longest rivers of the earth
