

Vienna - Dobling, Austria ( Hohewarte, ZAMG)



Meteo Alarm is a severe weather warning system and the storm Portal EUMETNET.

  • 2.1 history
  • 2.2 International involvement of Meteorological Services


Warning system

The system includes the following extreme weather (as of 2012):

  • Wind ( wind gusts and high wind events)
  • Snow / ice ( snow, ice, black ice, snow storm, UAE. )
  • Storm
  • Fog
  • Extremely high temperature ( heat waves )
  • Extremely low temperature ( cold spells )
  • Coast event ( storm surges )
  • Forest fires
  • Avalanches ( avalanche danger )
  • Rain ( heavy rain with risk of flooding )

These are represented by simple pictograms.


The classification of risk levels is not measured as an absolute, but according to a scale of the local frequency ( return period ), which takes into account the regional climatic or weather conditions, but makes an exception situation on the ground similar to:

10 cm snowfall in 24 hours, for example, are so classified on the Atlantic coast or the Mediterranean as an exceptional event, but not specified in the Alps as Warnsitutation.


The cover is done in warning classes for the following countries ( and comparable administrative units ) of the participating states. The ZAMG in Austria offers since August 2012 as the first of the Wetterdieste the alarm levels - freely available on the Internet - up at the community level to.



Meteo Alarm was developed within the framework of a European project of several national weather services under the direction of Salzburg meteorologist Michael Staudinger and the Dutch meteorologist Frank Kroonenberg - The occasion was the hurricane Kyrill. The warning platform (or. Info ) is operated by the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics ( ZAMG) in Vienna supervised and supported by the World Meteorological Organization ( WMO). It was presented at the World Day of Meteorology in Madrid in 2007, 2008, the system includes warnings from 30 countries and is available in 27 languages. It should also cover in the Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment ( THORPEX ) under the World Weather Research Programme ( WWRP ) of WMO.

The two founders were honored by the EUMETNET with the Outreach and Communication Award 2008. As a special preference applies the intuitive, built on colors and pictograms, and comparable at the European Warnsystem.Die website was accessed 12 million times on the first day and since then recorded an average of 200,000 hits / day.

International participation of weather services

At present ( 2012) are 32 state weather services in Europe involved in this project: ZAMG ( Austria ), RMI (Belgium ), MeteoSwiss ( Switzerland ), Cyprus Meteorologicha Service ( Cyprus ), CHMI (Czech Republic), DWD ( Germany ), DMI ( Denmark), EMHI (Estonia), Ämet (Spain ), FMI (Finland), Meteo France (France), HNMS (Greece ), DHMZ (Croatia ), OMSZ (Hungary ), Metéirann (Ireland), Verdur ( Iceland ), METEOAM (Italy ), service météorologique de Luxembourg ( Luxembourg ), Agency for Meteorology and Geodynamics LV ( Latvia ) Malta International Airport ( Malta), KNMI (Netherlands), NWI (Norway ), IMGW (Poland ), IM (Portugal ), Meteo Romania (Romania ), HIDMET (Serbia ), SMHI (Sweden), ARSO (Slovenia ), SHMU (Slovakia ), MetOffice ( United Kingdom )

Thus, more than 650 regions across Europe ( in a uniform warning system ) of severe weather will be warned.
