The Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard ( METS ) is a defined by XML Schema XML format for describing digital collections of objects with metadata.


In a digital archive in addition to the digital objects and metadata must be managed through these objects. This metadata can next to the object description (such as title, creation date), information about the document in the archive ( for example, where it has archivist when set to the archive) included. METS provides a structure for this information.

With METS can encode hierarchical and otherwise structured works, in which a work may be, for example, a book series, a single book with chapter and page structure or a film with multiple scenes.


The basic structure of METS is divided into 7 areas:

              The sections are as follows:

Basically, the format of the metadata in each section can be different and is not determined by METS. Thus (for example, MAB, MARC, Dublin Core, MIX ... ) find use in a METS document different formats.

To link from METS files and the digital objects are to be made about the statements, a subset of the XLink schema is used.

METS is administered by the Library of Congress. The version 1.6 was adopted in September 2007.
