Miandasht Wildlife Refuge



The Miandasht National Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife refuge in northeastern Iran. It is an important sanctuary for the rare Asiatic cheetahs.

Location and establishment

The Miandasht National Wildlife Refuge is located in the province of North Khorasan in northeastern Iran. It was proclaimed in 1973, the Wildlife Reserve. The reserve is located south of the Golestan National Park, and east of Khar - Turan National Park.

Landscape and vegetation

The reserve consists of 844 km ² arid plains that are interrupted by hills. Most areas of the reserve are slightly below 1000 m. The highest point is 1,340 meters above sea level. The average annual rainfall is 150 mm. To the reserve lying around some settlements. The residents exercise every winter around 15.0000 pets to graze in the reserve. The vegetation is a total desert -like and of Artemisia Krräutern (Artemisia sieberi ), feather grass ( Stipa ), salt herbs ( Salsola ), Saxaul trees ( Haloxylon ) and tamarisk ( Tamarix ) dominates.


The Miandasht Game Reserve is home to the rare Asiatic cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus ). Other predators are striped hyena ( Hyaena hyaena ), wolf (Canis lupus), Caracal ( Caracal caracal ), wild cat (Felis silvestris ), red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackal (Canis aureus). The most common wild ungulates gazelle. They are the primary food source of the Cheetah out its number has increased in recent years to more than 600 animals. Wild sheep (Ovis ), and wild boar (Sus scrofa ) occur in low numbers before also. Rodents and rabbits are common. The most important birds of prey buzzard (Buteo Rufinus ) and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos ).
