
Micaiah the son of Imlah מִיכָיְהוּ בֶן - יִמְלָה or son of Imlah or Micaiah ben Imlah was a biblical person. He is ( 873-853 BC) mentioned in 1 Kings 22.8 to 28 18.7 to 27 EU and 2 Chr EU as a prophet during the reign of Ahab of Judah. Micha differs in its statement diametrically from the official cult prophets who promise the king success in a military conflict. Micah is the king unpopular because he would not prophesy good, but evil. He warns the king facing a major defeat that then occurs. The story of Micah with his adversary Zedekiah ben Chenaanah reflects the contradiction between the official prophecy of salvation to the official places of worship and the opposing social and royal critical of judgment at that time. Both sides appeal to YHWH, but only one side can be right. One side is supported by the king, which suppresses others. The biblical story indicates the historical events so that shows at the end, which side was right.
