Michael Kenna (photographer)

Michael Kenna ( born November 20, 1953 in Widnes, Cheshire, England ) is a British landscape photographer.


Born in 1953, Michael Kenna is probably one of the more well-known living landscape photographers. The mostly black and white photographs have a meditative, poetic character. His studies at the Banbury School of Art and the London College of Printing he graduated in 1976 with honors. In 1977 he went to San Francisco, where for eight years he worked for Ruth Bernhard, who became for him a significant influence. From her he learned a lot about the creative use of the negative ( negative film ). Its manipulation is an essential tools for the interpretation of the person portrayed by the photographer for him. A digital alteration of images he is but rather critical, because he fears that it interrupts the connection of the photographer to reality. His most important works include such diverse works as photo series about German concentration camps as well as studies of Japanese landscapes.
