Michele Stratico

Giuseppe Michele Stratico, including: Josip Mihovil Stratiko, (* 1728 in Zadar, † January 31, 1783 in Sanguinetto ) was a native of Croatia Italian violinist, composer and music theorist of the pre-classical period.

Michele Stratico was trained in Padua and was among the group of musicians to Giuseppe Tartini. Stratico, who was trained as a lawyer, was entirely forgotten until the University of Berkeley 1958-1961 discovered more than 280 manuscripts of his pen.

Stratico proved to be a pupil of Tartini, leaving a total of about 300 works for strings. The only Straticos works that were printed during his lifetime, his 6 Violin Sonatas Op.1, about 1763rd you have a close to Tartini in their ornamentation on.


  • 6 Sonata for violin and violoncello / clavicembalo, op.1 (1763, London)
  • 170 Violin Sonatas
  • 35 Symphony
  • 6 Sonate a quatro
  • 50 Sonata a tre
  • 15 Duo for violin
  • 61 Violin Concertos
  • 2 concerti for 2 violins