Mieczysław Fogg

Mieczysław Fogg Mieczysław actually Fogiel, (* May 30, 1901 in Warsaw, † September 3, 1990 ) was a Polish chanson singer.


His artistic career began in 1927 in the choir Dana, with whom he performed, among others, in the Warsaw theater Qui pro quo. In the 1930s, he appeared increasingly as a soloist in cabarets and revues in appearance and was with catchy melodies and sentimental lyrics about love and home quickly a star. After the beginning of World War II, he joined the Home Army. In 1944 Warsaw Uprising, he fought not only with weapons in hand against the Germans, but also gave a number of concerts in the standings, hospitals and on the barricades of the embattled capital. His fame as one of the most famous Polish artists could also harm the Communists, which initially allowed him even running your own cafes and its own record label. Fogg has performed in many countries with his songs, including America, Germany, Sweden, France and Australia. In 1980 he played in the famous television series Dom (The House ) itself A year later he starred in the movie Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy ( Love will forgive you everything ) with which retraced the life of the actress Hanka Ordonówna.

The most famous songs by Mieczysław Fogg

  • To Ostatnia niedziela - This is the last Sunday
  • Gramofonomanka
  • Warszawska piosenka - Warsaw song
  • W małym Kinie - In a small cinema
  • Yes mam czas, yes poczekam - I have time, I'll wait
  • Jesienne róże - Fall roses
  • Righteous among the Nations (Poland )
  • Chansonniers
  • Polish musicians
  • Person in the Warsaw Uprising (Poland )
  • Born 1901
  • Died in 1990
  • Man