Miejsce Odrzańskie

Mistitz, Polish Miejsce Odrzańskie, is a town in Upper Silesia in the community Czissek ( Cisek ) in the powiat Kędzierzyńsko - Kozielski in the Opole Voivodeship.


Mistitz located 10 km south of the parish seat Czissek, 18 km south of the county town Kędzierzyn -Koźle ( Kędzierzyn - Cosel ) and 57 km south-east of the Opole voivodship.


The town was founded in 1679 and was named Miesce. 1865 emerged the Vorwerk and a distillery and the place had 345 inhabitants.

In the referendum on March 20, 1921 voted 98 voters to remain in Germany and 228 for Poland. Mistitz but remained with the entire vocal circle Cosel the German Reich. In 1925 the town had 203 inhabitants. 1936, the town was renamed in nice views. By 1945, the place was in the district of Cosel.

In 1945 the previously German place under Polish administration, was renamed Miejsce Odrzańskie and joined the Silesian Voivodeship. 1950 Mistitz part of the Opole Voivodeship and 1999 of the re-established powiat Kędzierzyńsko - Kozielski. On 11 October 2007, the City also received the official German place names Mistitz, in September 2008 bilingual town signs were erected.


  • Shot wooden church to the Holy Trinity from 1770


  • German Friendship Circle

