Miłocice, Oława County

Milocice ( German Central Mühlatschütz ) is a village with 650 inhabitants in the municipality Jelcz - Laskowice Oławski powiat in Poland. It is located ten kilometers south-west of Bierutów, former Bernstadt.


The village was called until 1945 Central Mühlatschütz and belonged to the Lower Silesia region of oil. The population for a long time developed downwards. In the village live 1867 260 inhabitants, in the year 1871 259 residents in 36 residential buildings and 56 households and 236 inhabitants in 1905 ( of which 234 are Protestant and 2 Catholic).

On the nearby manor Central Mühlatschütz lived 67 inhabitants in 1867, 75 inhabitants in 1871 and 1905, 71 inhabitants (of which 70 were Protestant and one Catholic).

The area of the manor was 531 ha; which were 222 ha of arable, 89 acres meadow, 11 acres pasture and 194 acres of wood and 15 ha farm. On Friesian cattle East Frisians were held Furthermore pig and horse breeding was operated.

Landowners were for many years the counts of Kospoth.

  • Place of Lower Silesia
  • Gmina Jelcz - Laskowice