
Milušinac (Cyrillic: Милушинац ) is a village in Serbia.

The village lies in the Opština Sokobanja, Zaječar in Okrug, in the east of Serbia. Milušinac located 619 m above the sea level. The village had in 2002 a population of 382 residents, while it is still 470 in 1991, according to the last three population statistics, the population continues to fall. The population of Milušinac provide mostly Orthodox Serbs, but also a few Orthodox Roma also live in the village. The village consists of 103 households. Near Milušinac there is a small memorial to the fallen in World War II partisans from the village.


  • Књига 9, Становништво, упоредни преглед броја становника 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Београд, мај 2004, ISBN 86-84433-14-9
  • Књига 1, Становништво, национална или етничка припадност, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Београд, фебруар 2003, ISBN 86-84433-00-9
  • Књига 2, Становништво, пол и старост, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Београд, фебруар 2003, ISBN 86-84433-01-7

Beli Potok | Blendija | Bogdinac | Cerovica | Dugo Polje | Jezero | Jošanica | Levovik | Milušinac | Mužinac | Nikolinac | Novo Selo | Poružnica | Radenkovac | Resnik | Rujevica | Sesalac | Sokobanja | Trgovište | Trubarevac | Vrbovac | Vrmdža | Čitluk | Šarbanovac | Žučkovac

  • Place in Okrug Zaječar
  • Opština Sokobanja