Minuscule 5

Minuscule 5 ( in the Gregory- Aland numbering ), δ 453 ( von Soden ), is a Greek Minuskelhandschrift of the New Testament on 342 parchment leaves ( 21 x 15.5 cm). Using palaeography was dated the manuscript to the 13th century. It was written one column with 28 lines per page.


The Code contains the complete New Testament without the revelation. The Catholic Epistles are placed ahead of Paul's letters.

The manuscript is in the Bibliothèque nationale de France ( Gr. 106) in Paris. They probably came from Calabria.

It was used by Robert Estienne in his Editio Regia and designated by him as δ '. The manuscript was examined by Wettstein and Scholz.

The Greek text of this codex in the Catholic Epistles and the letters of Paul filed by Aland in category III. The Gospels and Acts, he ordered a category in V.
