Miroslav Ivanov

Miroslav Ivanov ( born April 10, 1929 in Josefstadt, Czechoslovakia; † 23 December 1999, Prague) was a Czech literary historian and publicist.

Ivanov's time-and culture-historical publications have been translated into ten languages ​​, to their Spending just known in German language. Among his most successful books, the presentation of the assassination of the Reich Protector of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich in 1942, is a valuable source of information belongs. His work will include 37 works, printed in 1.5 million copies.


  • Atentat na Reinharda Heydrich. original Czech edition. 1st edition. Panorama, Prague 1979, DNB 369,147,596th German: The assassination of Heydrich. From the Czech by Hugo Kaminsky. Bechtermünz 2000, ISBN 3-8289-0393-2.