Mirpur Khas

25.51794444444469.012611111111Koordinaten: 25 ° 31 'N, 69 ° 1' O

Mirpur Khas (often written together: Mirpurkhas, Urdu / Sindhi: میرپور خاص ) with 124 371 inhabitants ( 1981), the fourth largest city in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. The city is famous for the more than 200 different types of mangos that grow here.


The city lies on the Let Wah Canal. It is connected by rail with Hyderabad and by main road with Umarkot. Other cities located nearby are Karachi and Hyderabad and the Thar Desert.

Mirpur Khas is not far from India, and was also one of the first cities, which started refugees after the emergence of the country Pakistan. The Indian border is 170 km away.

The city has numerous shopping malls and bazaars, to which the Baldia Shopping Center, Shahi Bazaar and Khisakpura belong.
