Mofu-Gudur language

The Mofu - Gudur is the city of Maroua (on mofu - Gudur márəvà ) in the north of Cameroon of about 20,000 people spoken language. It belongs to the family of Chadic languages ​​and is therefore more accurate to the Biu - Mandara branch. As a self- designation of the language can Mey Nga Màfàw " language of Mofu " or mey Nga Gudal " language of Gudur " are used. The terminology is complicated by the fact that the self-understanding of the tribes does not coincide with linguistic circumstances. As the " ( North ) Mofu " is also referred to a different language to the north. The dominant in the region through regional language is Fulfulde.

  • 3.1 Basics
  • 3.2 plural
  • 3.3 Definite article
  • 7.1 infinitive
  • 7.2 pitch classes
  • 7.3 Subject Name
  • 7.4 Verb with Objektssuffixen
  • 7.5 Tempus characters
  • 7.6 imperative
  • 7.7 Ventiv

According to system


The Mofu - Gudur distinguishes the following consonants:

There are also l, r, w, and y.

H is in the table for system reasons sorted as " velar ", but a sound corresponding to the German H.

In the velar area there is no opposition between nasals and plosives pränasalierten: At the beginning of the syllable comes only NG or NGW ago, at the end of the syllable only ŋ or northwest.

ɗ can in a certain number of words, but not everywhere, be replaced by a glottal stop ʔ whose phonological status is doubtful.

The labiovelars are rare.


The Mofu - Gudur has an unusually low vocal system. After analyzing Barreteau only three phonemes can be distinguished: a, e, ə. The following features should be noted:

  • ə is only within, not at the beginning or end of a word before.
  • A is spoken in the vicinity of w and rounded velars as o. In a few words, a vowel o occurs, which can not be explained as a variant of a.
  • E is spoken in the vicinity of w and rounded velars often as ö.
  • ə is like u said in the neighborhood of y as i, in the vicinity of w and rounded velars. The transcription here is chosen in this case, i and u posted, i still have and look at u in principle only as variants of ə.
  • There is a form of vowel harmony: Within a word, a and e are not mixed; it may be only one of the two vowels. The vowel ə (including its variants i and u) is not affected by the vowel harmony.
  • Virtually every word contains at least one a or e; only in the context pronunciation dictionary may arise which have the vowel ə alone.

Marginal also occur: a or e as long vowel ( as a result of elongation after failure of -h ), and - very occasionally - nasalized vowels.

Can only stand the vowel ə ago Doppelkonsonanz. Pränasalierte consonants and similar mentioned in the table above sounds simple, however, count as consonants. Therefore, without further a word like mándàw "tomorrow" occur (nd counts as a single consonant ). Also, certain cases of reduplicated words are excluded from this rule: Laklak " freely" ( with -a- despite following Doppelkonsonanz -kl ). Certain words show variants as mècəhé ~ məché " small".


The Mofu - Gudur is a tonal language with two tabs that are shown here by accents: high ( á), and deep (à ). Within a word usually comes before or not exactly a high tone; two successive high tones in the word are rare.

Context pronunciation

In Mofu - Gudur to the pronunciation can significantly alter some words in context:

  • Words with vowel initial sound lose this vowel when the context is preceded by another word. If the vowel initial sound was, however, high tone, the high tone is maintained and transmitted to the preceding vowel. So tà will tá "with" Ezem " Aries " Zem " with the ram ."
  • The general rule that only the vowel before Doppelkonsonanz ə is possible in principle also valid across on the word boundary. Thus, about xwàndàv "Hare" kèɗé kèɗé " this " to xwàndəv " this hand", and pás " day " PAL " a " becomes pəs PAL " day." Accordingly, about vár " rain " to vər in context, and may " hunger " is to Miy. This debate adjustments do not always apply only in narrow collocations and also here at slower pronunciation.
  • In the context of the sentence can -a- before being assimilated to -e- a - s - of the following syllable. This occurs especially in some tight connections; so is fá " for, because " mè " what? " to fé mè (pronounced fö'mè ) "why".

Personal and possessive pronouns

The Mofu - Gudur is no gender difference in the pronouns, but it has three different forms, the "we" is based on our:



The Mofu - Gudur knows no grammatical gender.

Basically to make the noun when any attribute follows, always the rules of pronunciation context ( to see above); More specifically, the vowel of the final syllable, if it is closed to ə.

Many nouns contain a hidden tweeter beginning of a word which is not audible, as long as the word is spoken in isolation, but umfärbt the low frequency of the immediately preceding syllable in a high tone. In principle, one has to memorize which nouns have this feature; it most frequently are those that begin with a voiced plosive. Examples:

  • ZEL "husband", tà cells " with the husband " ( tà "with" is low tone )
  • Bay " boss," tá Bay " with the boss " ( Bay "boss" has a hidden tweeter, the umfärbt the tone of the preceding syllable)


Hay A trailing element can be used to express the plural:

  • ɬá " cow " - ɬá -hay " cows"
  • áhwàm "mouse" - Ahum -hay " mice " ( hwam > hwəm > hum through context debate)

Some forms are slightly irregular:

  • ŋgwàs "woman" - ŋgùsá -Hay -Hay ~ ŋgùs "Women"
  • Bəzèy "child" - bəzá -hay "children"
  • ɗákw "goat" - ɗáhwày " Goats"

The plural must not always be marked. A noun that denotes a plurality, can also stand without hay and still be combined with a plural verb form.

Definite article

The noun can be adjusted a certain article. According to the vowel harmony, the form of this principle has ha ( if the noun contains an a ) or height ( if it contains a e). The article has Polarton, that is, it is according to the preceding high tone bass and treble according to the preceding low tone.

  • Kwakwa "bride" - Kwakwa -ha "The Bride "
  • Dadawa "heart" - Dadawa - há "the heart "
  • Cəmcèmè "hedgehog " - cəmcèmè - hé " the hedgehog "

If the noun is consonant auslautet, which is mostly the case, two features are observed:

  • The hour of the article drops.
  • Although the h- drops, the last syllable of the noun is considered by the article as closed so that her vocal changes due to the context of the debate.
  • After -y the article is always a regardless of vowel harmony.


  • Wùdéz "tree" - wùdəz - è " the tree "
  • Pəlès "horse" - pələs - é " the horse "
  • Bay "boss" - biy -á " the boss "
  • Daw " millet " - dUw -à " millet "
  • Hwáɗ "belly" - húɗ -à " the belly"
  • Mey "mouth" - Miy -à " the mouth "


The demonstratives, such as kèɗé " this " or Kátay "that" are placed after the reference word.


The adjective follows its reference word. Again, the context of debate should be noted:

  • Bay "boss" - bì Mahura " the big boss "
  • Pás " day " - pəs PAL " A Day"
  • Kiya màmáákàr " the third month "


It is always the first Possessum and then the possessor. If the possessor is nominal, it is connected NGA by the particles. The Possessum receives context pronunciation:

  • Pəlès "horse" - pələs Nga Bay " the horse of the Chief "
  • Mey "mouth" - Miy Nga rác " the mouth of the Scorpion " ( Arac " Scorpio " )
  • CEK "thing" - cək Nga Ley "thing of the bush " = " wildlife "

If the possessor is pronominal, possessive pronouns are used:

  • ŋgwàs "woman" - ŋgùs áɗàw " my wife "
  • Bay ɗàw ( contracted from Bay áɗàw ) " my boss "
  • áŋgw áɗàw ( contracted from Angwa áɗàw ) " my stone "

Some kinship terms may be used only with the possessor. Then not the ordinary possessive pronouns, but special possessive suffixes appear:

  • MamaY " my mother " - màmákw " your mother " - Maman " his / her mother "

For the following noun a mixed flexion is documented:

  • Gəms áɗàw "My maternal uncle " - gəms aka " your uncle m. " - Gəmsàŋ " his uncle m. "



One can postulate an abstract verbal root, but never occurs independently; Therefore, verbs are better quote in the infinitive. The infinitive consists of three parts: prefix root suffix - me ey (examples follow below). Each verb form must include any suffix; -ey is the Defaultsuffix, which will be used if no other suffix comes with more specific meaning to the course.

Rarely, infinitives with a- vocalism occur: màhwáy " run ", màtùwày " cry ". Irregular are màgwàw "may" and Masawa "come".

Pitch classes

There are four different classes of sound:

( 1) verbs with continuous low frequency, for example,

  • Meley "take" ( root l )
  • Mèsərèy "know" (root sər )

( 2) verbs with high tone before the root, for example,

  • Meney " lie down " ( root -n )
  • Mézəmèy "eat" (root zəm )

( 3) verbs with high tone on the root, for example,

  • Mègərvèy "dance" (root gərv )

( 4) verbs with high frequency after the root, for example,

  • Mesey "drink" ( root -s- )
  • " leave " mègəréy (root gər )

Since the verb root is often very short, the class of sound for the recognition of the verb is essential. Some pairs of verbs, which differ only in tone:

  • Mecey " hurt " - " cross over " Mecey
  • Mèwèy " get drunk " - " command " mèwéy
  • " spit " métəfèy - mètəfèy " sew"
  • "pick" méŋgəlèy - mèŋgəléy " ask "

Subject name

To obtain a conjugated verb, it must be provided with a subject mark. Passing the forms of the infinitive as follows:

The prefix is replaced by a metal- präfigiertes pronoun:

  • Ya in the 1st person
  • Ka in the second person
  • A in the third person

The Defaultsuffix -ey remains with singular subject obtained, but with plural subject replaced by -am, in the 1st pers. Plural, there are specific forms in- akwa and amakwa.

The tonal remain the infinitive: How the tweeter there is either at the prefix, root, suffix, or the verb is completely low tone. Therefore it is said:

  • Métəfèy " spit " - yá təfèy " I spit "
  • Mètəfèy " sew" - Ya təfèy " I sew "

As an example, the conjugation of the verb mèwéy " command " ( root -w- ):

Other verbs behave accordingly, for example:

  • Mègərvèy "dance" - à gərvèy " he / she dances " - à gərvàm " they dance "
  • Méɮəɗèy " dig " - á ɮəɗèy " he / she digs " - á ɮəɗàm " dig "
  • Mézəmèy "eat" - yá zəmèy " I eat " - yá zəmkwà " we eat "

If the root not only contains the vowel ə, she adapts to it due to the vocal harmony at the ending:

  • Mélecey " stand up " - Ya Lecey " I stand on " - Ya làcàkwà " we (incl.) are set to"
  • Mèbèbèɗèy "talk" - Ya bèbèɗèy " I speak " - Ya bàbàɗàm " we speak ( excl.) "

The Subjektspronomen ( here ya) is usually not affected by the vowel harmony.

The verb for " go " ( infinitive Madaw ) is irregular:

Verb with Objektssuffixen

The pronominal object is expressed by suffixes on the verb, which replace the Defaultsuffix -ey. In general, the syllable before the Objektssuffix must be high tone, only in the is the Objektsuffix even high tone, the syllable before but low tone. Objektssuffixe the example of mèkəɗèy " beat ":

See further: Meley "take" - à Ley " he takes " - à lá " he takes it "

If the verb already has an ending for the plural subject, the Objektssuffix is behind this. Instead of -am ( pluralisches subject) á " him, she " is particularly remembered form Mara:

  • Kəɗ à - m -ARA " they beat him "

Tempus characters

The pure form of the verb denotes a temporally unmarked verb, which can be translated as a present or past. A tense character can be set to indicate the tense between the Subjektspräfix and the root. There are the following, among others:

Future tense: there. If the verb has treble before the root, this tweeter is realized on the Futurzeichen:

  • Yá zəmèy " I eat " - Ya dá zəmèy " I will eat "
  • Yá təfèy " I spit " - Ya dá təfèy " I'll spit "
  • Yá zəmèy ɗáf " I eat millet " - Ya dá zəmèy ɗáf " I will eat millet "

Progressive: fá. Against this the Subjektspräfix a 3rd person is not realized:

  • Ya fá zəmèy ɗáf " I just eat millet "
  • Fá zəmèy ɗáf " he / she just eats millet "
  • Ayan fá Sawa " the squirrel comes straight"

Perfect: ta ... lá or ta ... Cay. Even before the ta Subjektspräfix a 3rd person is not realized:

  • Ya tá zəmèy ɗáf lá " I ate millet "
  • Ayan tà Sawa lá " the squirrel has come"

The second part of the Perfect Marker specializes the meaning of the perfect. There are also other alternatives, for example, SEM, which marks an involuntarily reached and irrevocable condition:

  • Tá məcèy SEM " he died " ( méməcèy "die" )


If the verb has a suffix, but no prefix, this corresponds to an imperative. The suffix provides information as to whether one or more persons are addressed:

  • Mèbébərèy " rub " - bébərèy " rub! " - Bábəràm " rubs! "
  • Mesey "drink" - Sey " drink! "


The Ventivendung - awa on the verb expresses a movement towards the speaker, and corresponds to the German prefix "her". The verb " come ( forth ) " Masawa is always needed with this extension. Other verbs they can accept if necessary. If a verb has this ending, the Defaultsuffix -ey no longer appears.

Var fá Pawa Rain PROGRESSIVE sets forth - " the rain falls here " = " it is raining " ( mèpéy " set, place, put " )


The pronominal dative is expressed by similar suffixes on the verb as the pronominal direct object. However, the suffixes as a rule are high tone, and the suffix of the " him, her " is -Ar and low tone.

  • Ya ləvèy " I say" - Ya - ləv ká " I tell you "
  • á ləv -AR " he tells him "
  • Vəl - m- AYA! " Give me! "
  • Fəc à - yá Way " he brushes me the house " ( mèfəcèy " clean " ) - à fəc -ar way " he brushes him / her the house "

The nominal dative is formed with the preposition à:

  • á à ləvèy kùtáf " he says to the turtle"


The Mofu - Gudur has a range of prepositions, such as:

  • à " to, according to (direction) "
  • Dá " at (location ) ", "from (origin ) "
  • Fá " to, for"
  • Tà " with, and"

If the noun anlautet with a vowel, there is phonetic contractions:

  • Tà "with" áɬàw " meat " → táɬàw " with meat "

By connecting with body part names obtained complex prepositions, such as:

  • Dà Ray " at the head of " = " on, over "
  • A Way " at the home of " = " in "


Verbal sentence

The normal word order is subject - verb - object. If the subject is nominal, a Subjektspronomen must be used in addition. The subject does not occur in the context of debate because the sequence of subject and predicate is not considered a close connection. In contrast, the verb can occur in the context of debate in the object (optional). Examples:

Ya dá zəmèy I eat PROGR " I eat "

Kwətáf à Hway Turtle run " the turtle runs "

Ayan à Sawa Squirrels occur " the squirrel comes "

ŋgwàs à gərvèy Woman dancing " the woman is dancing "

Yá ləvéy kèɗé ~ ( with context pronunciation :) yá ləví kèɗé " I say this "

Ya dá pərèy Zana I wash clothes PROGR " I wash the clothes "

As mentioned above, there are many nouns with the inherent ability to make the preceding syllable high tone. Against such a noun is modified as applicable not only to the vowel, but also the sound of the last syllable of the verb:

Mèhətèy "find" - à hətàm " find " - à hətəm áhwàm " they find mice "

Sometimes the object is expressed additionally pronominal:

à gəɗ Mara WAW ignite - it - on fire " kindle a fire " ( awaw "Fire" )

Non- verbal sentence

A copula according to the German verb "to be" does not exist:

ANGA Mahura he large " it is great"

ANGA Bay he chief " He is the boss "

ANGA féɗè he here " He's Here"

ANGA dá Mbaw he in court " he is in the yard "

Bay Mahura head large " the boss is great" ( Note: again, no context pronunciation by subject)

Bay tá pəlès Chef with horse " the boss is with a horse " = " the boss has a horse "

Bay fá Mey Ndaw Chef on mouth man " the boss is ( on the mouth of =) in front of the man "

The particle is Ala " which is " to translate:

  • ALA cells "that's the husband "

Relative clause

The relative clause is introduced by a relative particle ma. The verb then requires no more subject characters. Relative clauses are often used for focusing set members:

ALA yah mà c -á máɬàgá I - weave - it is the cotton belt " I, who weaves the cotton tape bin / wove "

Negation and question

By particles at the end of a sentence can be the negation ( bá " not ") and the set question ( dà ) signal. Word questions can be expressed by relativische constructions. These record types are only poorly documented.

Yá wùɗìy kà bá I do not want you " I do not want you" ( méwùɗèy "want" )

Má ləv ká ná wá REL tells you who TOPIC " who told you, who is " = "Who told you? " ( "say" méləvèy )


Some elements from the basic vocabulary:
