Moldova, Estonia

59.42472227.108889Koordinaten: 59 ° 25 ' N, 27 ° 7' O

Moldova is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Lüganuse ( Luganuse vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.

Description and History

The village has 23 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2012). It is located a few meters from the Gulf of Finland.

There are contacts between the village of Moldova and the Republic of Moldova, which is called in the state language Republica Moldova since 2009. The name of the Estonian village probably comes from the family name of Moldova, there is art.

West of Moldova Ahermu the small waterfall is located ( Ahermu juga ) at the same farm. The 1.5- m-high waterfall is one of the few waterfalls on sandstone, which had formed in Estonia during the Cambrian.
