Monarda didyma

Bee balm ( Monarda didyma )

The bee balm ( Monarda didyma ), also known as Monarda or scarlet Monarda, is a species of the genus Monarda in the mint family ( Lamiaceae).


The bee balm is a perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome, which reaches heights of growth from 80 to 150 centimeters. The plant smells like lemon. The upright stems are square. The against-constant leaves are simple, rough, and only short-stalked. The lamina has a length of 15 cm and a width of 5 cm. The leaf margin is serrated.

About 30 flowers are borne in terminal inflorescences with red bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and fünfzählig. The cup is 10 to 14 millimeters long and hairy hairless or only weakly at the throat. The red, hairy crown is 30 to 45 millimeters long. The crown upper lip is hairy hairless or sparsely. There are only two stamens present. The style ends with two scars branches.

The flowering period extends from June to September.


The balm is found in moist woods and thickets in the eastern United States.


The balm is used as an ornamental plant. The wild form is rare, scattered bred varieties for borders, perennial beds and used as cut flowers. In North America, this species is used in addition as a medicinal and aromatic plant. It is in culture since 1737 or 1756. The numerous varieties are either descendants of Monarda didyma Monarda didyma or hybrids of Monarda fistulosa and. They differ in flower color, plant height and mildew resistance, some of the varieties has showy bracts.

The leaves can be eaten fresh and cooked. With the leaves you can spice up desserts.

From the fresh and dried leaves and inflorescences can pour good tea ( " Oswego Tea ").

The Oswego Indians knew a Teezubereitungsart. End of the 18th century American colonists boycotted imported from England tea. They drank Oswego tea.

Very good, the fragrant leaves are suitable for flavoring tea and fruit salad. Also, they are used for garnishing.

There are medical applications for the drug.
