
Mongoloid or Mongoloid is no longer in use rassenkundliche collective name for a number of Eastern, Central and Southeast Asian, Arctic, American as well as a number of Pacific populations. Often Tungide, Sinide, Polyneside, Malayide, Eskimide, Indianide were among others cited in the literature as subgroups.

Mongoloid race are obsolete according to customer next to Caucasians and Negroids to three fundamentally different large breeds.

The classification as a so-called " big race" was more or less arbitrary basis ( striking ) of common features, which were considered, they occupied a common origin or a genetic relationship. However, molecular genetic data show an inhomogeneity of the combined group as Mongoloids and contradict a division into " big races". The Mongolian Great race has therefore been divided into different races, in which the Mongolian influence from the Mongolian core area decreases to Southeast Asia.

  • Tungide ( Mongolian and Tungusic peoples ) and Nordsinide ( northern Chinese peoples, Koreans and Japanese )
  • Mittelsinide (medium Chinese and Tibetan peoples )
  • Südsinide ( South China and Indo-Chinese peoples )
  • Paläomongolide ( Malay or Southeast Asian Nations )

As a typological characteristics of Mongoloids and pronounced cheekbones, low nasal bridge, and black straight hair, dark complexion yellowish, sparse body hair, and in particular the so-called Mongolian fold were considered. As an additional indicator was also the Mongolian spot, a bluish birthmark usually on the back, buttocks or sacrum of a newborn.

Sources and References

  • Anthropology
  • Race theory

Pictures of Mongoloid
