Monica's Gang

Turma da Mônica is ( Portuguese for Monica and your friends ) is a Brazilian comic book series, which was created in 1959 by Mauricio de Sousa.

The series of comic strips is about the girl Mônica, which is unusually strong. So they can the guys who threaten beat, and protect their friends Cebolinha, Cascão and Magali. Soon she is considered a " mistress of the road ".

The series began in 1959, initially under the title Bidu, the character Mônica came in 1963 to do so. The comic strips have been translated into 14 languages ​​, 13 times as a film and once implemented as a 85- part television series. In addition, three video games appeared in 1993 and a theme park to Turma da Mônica opened in Brazil.

In the years 1975-1980 the Ehapa publishing house published a few comic books in German under the title brat & friends.
