Monospaced font

A non-proportional font, and fixed step font, fixed-width font, fixed-pitch, equidistant font or monospaced font called, has as opposed to a proportional font is a fixed width character ( thicknesser ). The English terms are also often used in German-speaking countries for non-proportional font noisy teletype, monospace or fixed font.

Serifierte sans serif and monospace fonts

As with proportional fonts, there are commemorative species both in the coming from the print typography serifierten execution, as well as sans serif.

  • The serifierten commemorative types provide a reference to the typeface of a classic typewriter or teletypewriter ago ( typewriter fonts, such as Courier, or family representatives called Typewriter )
  • The sans serif font hard have evolved from the early, wenigpixeligen screen fonts ( for example, the modern MS Consolas, or the Console / Lucida Sans Typewriter from the family).

Next known monospace fonts are Bitstream Vera Mono, Monaco and Letter Gothic.


For aesthetic, typographical and technical reasons, these fonts are used in the printing industry, in addition to the typewriter font as for the award of Latin.

Since the automatic character recognition is easier for non -proportional fonts, optimized for text recognition fonts OCR-A and OCR-B also fall into this category.

On the computer monospace fonts are also many uses, as texts can be formatted independently of text processing at low cost and low memory requirements by spaces.

This property is useful in

  • Tables from ASCII text, because all symbols have the same width, and the column can be oriented in the table with blanks
  • Programming languages ​​to make word lengths and rows of numbers manageable
  • ASCII art

The typographical and aesthetic requirements of a fixed-pitch are generally much lower, as is never created by the restless type distance a really nice typeface. The readability of the text image is therefore slower than with proportional fonts. Primarily at constant writings is the clarity in the overall set of image.

Example of text formatting

Lorem ipsum   ===========   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing   elitr, sed " diam nonumy ' eirmod ' temporary invidunt " ut   labore et dolore magna aliquyam   - Et ea rebum     o feugiat nulla facilisis     o sed " diam ' zod ' nonummy "     o nibh euismod tincidunt   - Stet clita kasd gubergren     Takimata EUR 134,50     Sanctus EUR 3.00     Dolore EUR 12,10     ------------------------                  EUR 149,60 Representation on the computer

Be on the computer ( both in desktop publishing as well as in the screen display of the end user ) fixed fonts instructed by special font- awards, such as in HTML by elements such as ( teletype, obsolete),

 ( preformatted, preformatted 
') or  ( ( programming ) code, programming instruction ) that are preset generally with a fixed-pitch:

Text tt


Text pre

Text code

Other changes in the typeface concern additional these three HTML classes ascribed attributes, as they either HTML code or CSS declarations of a web page, or the settings of the web browser - or other HTML -enabled text processing programs - or are made ​​to the operating system- wide settings.

Use other markup languages ​​, such as optimized for the printing industry PostScript and based on it PDF, or TeX and LaTeX for typesetting, but also all rich text formats for storing text documents (such as OpenDocument format or the older Microsoft Word DOC formats) such methods.
