Montañita, Ecuador

Montañita on the map of Ecuador

Montañita is a place on the peninsula of Santa Elena, Ecuador. It lies in the parish of the canton of Santa Elena Manglaralto the province of Santa Elena. The village lies on the national road Ruta del Sol ( national road E -15) and has beaches on the Pacific Ocean.

Montañita, traditionally a fishing village, is regarded by some as the ideal place for backpackers and surfers and now lives to important parts of tourism. The place was in the 60s Hippie originally a stronghold for dropouts, today it serves as a surfer and output paradise for young people.

The simple construction, accommodation from bamboo wood and the streets of white sand give the town its characteristic appearance.

Accessible Montañita is from Guayaquil by bus or car, about 4 hours drive.
