Moroccan dirham

1 EUR = 11.233 MAD 100 MAD = 8.9024 EUR

1 CHF = 9.181 MAD 100 MAD = 10.8921 CHF

The Moroccan Dirham (Arabic درهم مغربي, DMG dirham maġribī; 1 Dh = 100 centimes, Arabic Sg سنتيم santim ) is the currency of Morocco.

The ISO 4217 code ( currency abbreviation ) is MAD.

There are coins in the denominations of 10 and 20 centimes, ½, 1, 2, 5 and 10 dirhams, and banknotes of 20, 25 ( since 2012 ), 50, 100 and 200 dirhams.

The Moroccan Dirham is not a freely - convertible currency. The import and export of dirhams is regulated by law of Morocco's Office des Changes, customs and police at entry and exit but seldom controlled. The import and export of up to 1,000 MAD is usually tolerated (as of October 2009).

