Morón, Venezuela

Morón is a city in northern Venezuela.

The city is located in the state of Carabobo, near the Caribbean coast and is the capital of the district ( municipality ) Juan José Mora.

The population according to the last census of Morons (2001) 48,000.

The city was reported as early as the seventeenth century in the church registers. Many slaves from other regions of Venezuela have found refuge during colonial times in this area. Therefore, the population today is characterized particularly by African Americans.

The region expanded in the 1950s, as the oil refinery complex El Palito was founded nearby. An important road that connects Puerto Cabello with Coro runs, nearby.

10.484166666667 - 68.204166666667Koordinaten: 10 ° 29 'N, 68 ° 12' W
