Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences

The Botanical Nikolai Zizin Garden Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Главный ботанический сад имени Н. В. Цицина РАН ) is a park located in the Northeastern District of the City of Moscow and the largest botanical garden in Russia.

The 130 -acre garden was established on 14 April 1945 and is one of the biological department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Its first director was for 35 years the biologist Nikolai Vasilyevich Zizin ( 1898-1980 ), whose name the complex today. The Botanical Garden is a sprawling park on the pattern of Russian aristocratic residences of the 18th - 19th Century represents; it also includes the classical ensemble of a former estate of the Earl family Scheremetjew. In the park itself as well as orangeries and arboretums total of over 8,200 plant species can be seen from all over the world.
