Moss agate

Moss agate (also called mocha stone ) is a precious stone, which consists of silica. There is a variety of chalcedony, which contains minerals from green color in the stone, formed into filaments and other structures of moss. This appearance sometimes even reminds of blue cheese. The remaining area is a clear or milky - white quartz, and the minerals of the stone are mainly oxides of manganese or iron. It is not a true form of agate, agates because it usually lacks the banding. Moss agate is the white form with green inclusions, reminiscent of moss, which occur in many parts of the stone. These colors are caused by amounts of metals such as chromium or iron, causing pollution to the moss agate. These metals can occur in different colors, depending on their value.

Despite its name and appearance of the moss agate does not contain any organic matter, but is generally formed from more weathered volcanic rocks.

The Montana Moss Agate is another kind of agate, the deposits in the Yellowstone River and its tributaries between Sidney and Billings ( Montana) is found. The agate was originally formed in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming as a result of volcanic activity. In Montana moss agate, the red color is the result of iron oxide and the black color is the result of manganese oxide.


  • Mindat with location data
  • Gem
  • Variety ( mineralogy )