Mossovet Theatre

The Mossoviet Theatre (Russian Государственный Академический театр имени Моссовета, State academic Mossoviet Theatre ) is a theater in Moscow.


It was opened as a theater of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions ( MGSPS ) 1923 with a performance of a play by Leonid Andreyev under director S. Prokofiev. They played from the beginning new Soviet pieces such as storm of Vladimir Bill - Bielotserkovski. In April 1968 there was the premiere of The Clown by Heinrich Böll as a play instead. Since 1985, Paul has worked Osipovich Chomsky as a director and artistic director. In May 2010, the comedy To Moscow! To Moscow! director Frank Castorf at the International Chekhov Festival world premiere.


The theater received:
