Mount Tapulao

On the top of Tapulao

The Tapulao is at an altitude of 2,037 m the highest mountain in the province of Zambales, Philippines. He is also known under the name of High Peak and named on many maps so.

The Tapulao is located on the territory of the municipality in the center of Iba Zambales Mountains. Its slopes are covered up to a height of 1,875 meters with dense rainforest. It spreads to the summit dense heath vegetation. There are two opportunities for advancement on the mountain, a three-day ascent of Mayantoc, Tarlac Province, on the Tarlac Traverse trail or a two-day ascent of Iba from. From the summit you have a fantastic view of the Zambales Mountains to the South China Sea.

By a mountain, the area of ​​distribution of its population of endemic nose rat Rhynchomys tapulao is.
