Muck, Scotland

Muck ( Scottish Gaelic: Eilean nam Muc / i?) Is the name of the "small islands" of the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. It is also known as the Isle of Monk. 2001, there were 30 people on Muck. The largest settlement on the island is Port Mòr; there is also the harbor.

Ferries run from Port Mòr to the islands of Canna, Rum and Eigg to Mallaig and Arisaig and on the Scottish mainland.

The highest hill on the island is 137 meters high Beinn Airein. Muck is known for large colonies of seals and porpoises in the surrounding waters.

The Gaelic name Eilean nam Muc means "Island of Whales ". Occasionally, the name is interpreted as " island of the pigs " ( muc: pig). The word Muc is here but a short form of muc - Mhara ( German " whale ").
