Mycena interrupta

Mycena interrupta

Mycena interrupta is a saprobiontische fungal species from the family of Mycena relatives ( Mycenaceae ). In English, the colorful, delicate agaric under the name Pixie's Parasol, in German " Elf umbrella " known.

  • 4.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat has a diameter of 6 mm to 2 cm and has a brightly glowing, turquoise color. Jung first spherically he has grown up a wide, curved shape with a slightly depressed center. The surface is often sticky and slimy acts, especially in wet weather. The flesh is colored very thin and bluish. The stem is 1-2 cm long and 1-2 mm thick. He is white, smooth, and as the pedestal - Mycena ( Mycena stylobates ) at the base on a flat, white, blue on the edge, 1-3 mm diameter disc with the wooden background connected. The attached at the stem fins are white and have blue cutting.

Unlike some other Helmlingen Mycena interrupta is not bioluminescent.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are transparent, smooth, elliptical, a size of 7-10 × 4-6 micrometers have and form a white imprint.


Mycena interrupta comes in small colonies on rotting, moist wood in rainforests and in beech and eucalyptus forests. It often grows laterally from rotting tree trunks, so that its stem is usually bent.


The species has a distribution pattern that the supercontinent Gondwana corresponds to and is found in Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Chile. In Australia it occurs in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland, where their distribution is limited to the Lamington National Park.

