Myosotis arvensis

Field forget- me-not (Myosotis arvensis)

The field forget- me-not (Myosotis arvensis) is a perennial plant of the genus Myosotis ( Myosotis) in the family of Boraginaceae ( Boraginaceae ).


The field forget-me- not usually grows as an annual plant, it can grow to as hibernating - year ( winterannuell ) or as a biennial plant. It is herbaceous and reaches heights of growth from 10 to 40 (rarely 60) cm. The stems are ascending to erect, and often heavily already branched from the foundation. In the leafy area of ​​the stems are spreading, hairy pressed in the non- paged. The hairs are not hooked. The basal rosette leaves are up to 8 x 1.5 cm in size. Their shape is wrong - lanceolate, thereby gradually narrowed into the petiole.

The stem leaves are sessile, mostly occupied 2 to 5 cm long and straight hair. Their shape is lanceolate to ovate.

The inflorescence is dichtblütig, not leafy at the base. Also, the lower flowers have no bracts. At the time of the fruit pedicel is now horizontal and then two to three times as long as the calyx. The chalice bears projecting, hooked curved hair and is the fruit ripening 7 mm long. The sepals then tend together and seal the cup. The crown is blue and 2-4 (rarely 5) mm wide. Your hem is recessed funnel-shaped.

The fruits are part of a maximum of 2.5 x 1.2 mm in size and have two sharp edges. Their color is greenish- black to black. They do not carry appendages.

The chromosome number is 2n = (36, 48) 52, 54 or 66

Pollination Ecology

Pollination is by Diptera, small Apoiden and butterflies. Spontaneous self-pollination occurs frequently. The flowering period extends from April to October.


Arable Myosotis is located in Europe and western Asia. It has a meridional montanes to boreales, subozeanisches area. The question of whether it is indigenous to Central Europe, or a archaeophyte is not released. In Germany and Austria, it happens everywhere and is often.

It grows in fields, along roadsides, waste places and in bushes. It prefers fresh, nutrient-rich clay soils and comes from the colline to the montane altitudinal zone before, rarely up to the subalpine. In the phytosociological system the arable Forget-Me- Not is a characteristic species of the class Secalietea, the Segetal Weed societies.


Within the species, two subspecies are distinguished:

  • Myosotis arvensis subsp. arvensis, the ordinary field forget- me-not.
  • Myosotis arvensis subsp. umbrata ( Rouy ) O. Schwarz, the shadow lovers arable Forget-Me- Not.

Outdated, invalid synonyms are: Myosotis intermedia link, and Myosotis scorpioides L. em. L.

Medical Terms

Myosotis arvensis found in homeopathic medicines use as an active ingredient particularly against lymph node swelling. This effect ascribed has not been scientifically confirmed.


  • Rudolf Schubert, Klaus Werner, Hermann Meusel (ed.): Exkursionsflora the territories of the GDR and the FRG. Founded by Werner Roth painter. 13-14. Edition. Volume 2: vascular plants, people and knowledge, Berlin 1987/1988, ISBN 3-06-012539-2 (Area ).
  • Siegmund Seybold (ed.): Schmeil - Fitschen interactive. CD -ROM, Version 1.1, Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6.