Myosotis ramosissima

Hill - me-not (Myosotis ramosissima )

The hill - me-not (Myosotis ramosissima ), also known as Rough Forget Me Not is a member of the Borage Family ( Boraginaceae ). It flowers from April to June.


The annual herbaceous plant reaches a height of about 5 to 25 cm. The stem is usually upright and is easy, rarely branched, more or less sparrig. He is thin, down spreading, up more fitting gray -haired. The leaves are rounded, distinctly stalked the basal leaves and arranged in rosettes. The plant has few, elliptical, seated leaves. The flowers are bright blue, rarely white as well and are in simple, non- leafing coiling. They have a diameter of about 2 to 5 mm. The flower stems are initially upright, crop time then more or less horizontally from. The fruit stalks are more or less as long as the calyx and all tragblattlos.

Habitus ( herbarium )


Habitat requirements

The hill - me-not grows in sunny, sandy grass, on rock heads, to dams and Erdanrissen. It prefers open, summer warm, dry, base -rich, moderately acidic, mostly humus and fine earth poor, loose sand and Steingrusböden.


Myosotis ramosissima comes from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia before. Further, in northwest Africa, can be found on the Canary Islands, to Asia Minor and the Urals. It is a sub-Mediterranean - Eurasian Florenelement. In Austria, the kind in the Pannonian region is moderately frequent, otherwise rare to find. In Switzerland, it occurs in all scattered.

Distribution in Germany

The hill - me-not is scattered in front in northern and central Germany. To the south, it is rare to find.
