
Naboth (Hebrew נבות ) was a person in the Old Testament, who possessed a coveted of King Ahab vineyard in Jezreel, according to the biblical narrative, and was killed because of it.

Name Meaning

The meaning of the name is uncertain Naboth. In the relevant dictionaries the possible meanings of Scion or Posh be considered.


Naboth was an Israelite and owner of a vineyard, the, was adjacent to the possession of Ahab, king of Israel. Ahab wanted to buy this vineyard or exchange it for another. But Naboth refused the inheritance of his fathers to sell, according to the law in Lev 25:23 EU. Jezebel, Ahab's wife remarked to her husband's anger over this refusal and wrote to the elders and to the nobles of the city, lived in Naboth, that they proclaimed a fast and put on to a prominent place at the banquet Naboth. He should nichtsnützige two men over set who accuse him of blasphemy of God and the king and should be stoned to death him then. The elders and nobles carried out the instructions and sent Jezebel then news that they had stoned Naboth because of the false statements. Jezebel reported this is now her husband and he went out to take possession of the vineyard; but God sent the prophet Elijah to him to announce that he and his fate of Jezebel.

God announced to Ahab, that he would revenge himself for this reprehensible act to him and his sons. As it was already done with the house of Jeroboam, and the house of Baasha, so his house shall be cut off, not even funerals ordered to be granted his family (1 Kings 21.1 to 29 EU). But as Ahab did even on the Lord's warning towards repentance, God announced to make the threat only to his sons true. The prophecy, went to Joram, Ahab's son fulfilled ( 2 Kings 9.24 EU).
