Nagy-Küküllő County

The county wholesale Kokelburg ( German county also wholesale Kokel or rarely county Großkokeln; Hungarian Nagy- Küküllő Vármegye, Romanian Comitatul Târnava Mare) was an administrative unit ( county, county ) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Today, the area in Transylvania in Romania lies.

Location and General Description

It bordered on the county small - Kokelburg ( Kis- Küküllő ) Udvarhely, Háromszék, Kronstadt ( Brassó ) Fogaras, Sibiu ( Szeben ) and Unterweißburg ( Alsó Fehér ).

The German name is derived from the castle Kokelburg (now Cetatea de Baltă ), which was the administrative center of Vorgängerkomitats in the Middle Ages, but the name-giving is the county flowing river Great Kokel.


The entire county is due to its location in the south of the Transylvanian Basin is very hilly and is in the north of the Great Kokel (Romanian today Târnava Mare) and in the south of the old (now Romanian Olt ) is removed. Due to the mild climate, yet there was a flourishing agriculture in the county; also the trade and the craft were strongly developed.


In the south of the county, along the border with the county Fogarasch, were mostly German municipalities: Martin Berg, belts, marls, Bekokten, Small Schenk, Leblang, Rohrbach, fire Rosch, Blessed city and German - Tekesch. These are now part of Sibiu County ( Martin Berg, belts, marls ) and partly to the circle Braşov.


The county wholesale Kokelburg was established in 1876 when the previously existing in the Grand Duchy of Transylvania County Kokelburg ( Küküllő Vármegye ) was dissolved along with the Saxon chairs Medias and Sighisoara and divided into the counties large and small - Kokelburg.

After the end of World War II, the area came as a result of the Treaty of Trianon (1920 ) to the Greater Romania, and here was initially continued as a circle ( Judet ) Târnava - Mare. However, were in the inter-war period, the German communities along the border to the former county Fogarasch (see above ) to the majority of Romanian county Fagaras assigned.

In 1950 an administrative reform, in which the district was part of Braşov (Kronstadt) region. After returning to the division into counties ( Judeţe ), announced it to the territory of the former county, where the West the Sibiu County, southeast of the circle and the area around Brasov Sighisoara among Mureş has been assigned.

County subdivision

The county was in the early 20th century from the following districts chair (after the name of the administrative headquarters named):

All locations are in today's Romania.
