Nahj al-Balagha

Nahdsch -ul Balagha ( Nahǧ al - Balaga, "Path of Eloquence " ) is an important Shiite book with the character of a hadith. It contains a selection of speeches, letters, and words of Imam Ali, the son- of the Prophet Muhammad, the fourth caliph and first imam of the Shiites.

The work was compiled by Sharif al - Radhi and Razi ( 970-1016 ).

"Its authorship HAS BEEN object of constant and lively polemic, from the Middle Ages to the present. "

It is divided into three sections: Part One contains mainly 241 speeches ( chutba ) of Imam Ali, Part Two letters that Ali wrote to friends and enemies, to deputies, government officials and military commanders, etc., a total of 79 letters. Part Three contains 480 maxims.


  • Abu al -Hasan Muhammad b. Musa Sayyid Radi: Nahju'l - Balagha: The Open Road of Eloquence ( Containing discourses attributed to ALI), lithographed in Meshed, 1892


The work was translated into Persian by Mulla Fathulla and Fatima Özoguz into German ( Bremen: two M- haditec, volumes).
