Nakagusuku Castle


Ruins of the castle of Nakagusuku

The castle Nakagusuku (Japanese中 城城Nakagusuku - jo, Okinawaisch: Nakagusiku ) is a Japanese castle ruins in the small town Nakagusuku of Okinawa Prefecture. It is one of the oldest castles on the Ryukyu Islands.


It was built in 1440 by Prince Gosamaru and was after Shuri- jo, the second largest castle in Okinawa. After a dispute between Gosamaru and Shō Hashi it was destroyed and not rebuilt.

After the Second World War, the ruin has been restored and is now one of the better-preserved ruins of Japan. The dry masonry consists of rough-hewn stones, which were up to 10 feet high piled. The Nakagusuku castle is a typical example of a Gusuku as " Archaeological Sites of the Kingdom of Ryukyu Islands " are a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.
