Nan Mountains

The Nanling Mountains or Nan Ling (Chinese南岭/南岭, Pinyin Nan Lǐng (南岭 山脉) is a mountain range in southern China, which stretches to the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other provinces and the Guangxi Autonomous Region. It is the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Pearl River ( Zhu Jiang) and a natural boundary line of South China. Along a length of approximately 600 kilometers it runs in Westost - direction, it is about 200 km wide. Another name for the mountain is Wuling Mountains, Wu Ling or Wuling (五岭, Wǔ Lǐng, Five Mountains ' or五岭 山脉) because it made ​​the mountain ranges Yuecheng (越 城 岭) Dupang (都 庞 岭) Mengzhu (萌 渚 岭) Qitian (骑 田 岭) and Dayu (大 庾 岭) exists. Jiulian also the Mountains (九 连山) on the border between Jiangxi and Guangdong is one of them. the area south of the mountain has a tropical climate.

25.166666666667112.33333333333Koordinaten: 25 ° N, 112 ° E

  • Mountains in Asia
  • Mountains in China
  • Geography (Hunan )
  • Geography (Jiangxi )
  • Geography (Guangdong )
  • Geography (Guangxi )