
38.29687542.928255555556Koordinaten: 38 ° 17 ' 49 "N, 42 ° 55 ' 42" O

Narekawank (Armenian Նարեկավանք ) was an Armenian Apostolic monastery in the province of Western Armenia Vaspurakan near the southern shore of Lake Van ( eastern Anatolia region today in Turkey), which was destroyed by the Turkish army in the wake of the genocide of the Armenians in 1915.

The monastery was built during the reign of Gagik I ( 908-943 ), King of the Kingdom of Vaspurakan. The Narekawank Monastery was an important intellectual center, whose most famous student and scholar Gregory of Narek was.

The monastery ended his services in 1915, and was later completely destroyed. The Kurdish- populated village of Yemişlik was built on the religious site; Today is a mosque on the spot where once stood the monastery.
