National Development and Reform Commission

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The State Commission of Development and Reform ( National Development and Reform Commission, NDRC) is an institution of the Central Government of the People's Republic of China. It belongs to the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Conductor is Zhang Ping.

The Commission is the successor to the State Planning Commission (SPC ), who organized the centrally planned economy of China since 1952. In 1998, she was renamed the State Development Planning Commission ( SDPC ), which was merged in 2003 with a portion of State Economic and Trade Commission ( SETC ). In 2005, the NDRC emerged from the SDPC. It represents the most significant supervisory authority for the economic development of the People 's Republic of China

In 2012 she met a scheme under which foreign automakers no promotion in attracting more enjoy. This can be for the promotion of its own automotive industry and for the sales prospects German manufacturer of great importance. China is the major producer of cars since 2009, producing 18 million vehicles in 2010.
