National Museum of Denmark

The Danish National Museum ( Danish Nationalmuseet ) in Copenhagen presents the cultural history of Denmark in an international context, beginning with the pre-and early history through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to modern times.


The museum has its main exhibition at the Prince 's Palace (Danish: Prinsens Palæ ) in Copenhagen. Here the visitor an overview of the entire cultural history of the country is on offer.

In addition, the Danish National Museum, with additional locations with collections and exhibitions on specific topics, such as the Freedom Museum ( Friehedsmuseet ), which has the resistance of the Danes against the German occupiers during World War II on the subject, the Museum of Music History or the open-air Museum of the Danish National Museum, which is north of Copenhagen is located in Lyngby. The internment Frøslev - part of the former German prison camp in southern Jutland is now a museum and, with its exhibition on the Resistance during World War II and the White Buses also the Danish National Museum.

To the Danish National Museum but for Denmark also includes cultural and historical significant buildings such as the small mill on the ramparts of Christianshavn, the very small Liselund classical castle on the island of Møn near Mons Klint and Kommandørgården ( Kommandeurshof ) with the Toftum Skole on the North Sea island of Romo in the Wadden Sea.

Famous exhibits

One of the famous exhibits in the exhibition of the main house in the prince's palace include the golden horns of Gallehus as a replica, the Gundestrup cauldron, the sun chariot of Trundholm and the girl Egtved.

Gundestrup Cauldron

Gold-plated side of the sun chariot

The girl Egtved
