National Renewal (Chile)

The Renovación Nacional ( German: National Renewal ) is a right-wing liberal party in Chile. It was founded on 29 April 1987 and involved in the right-wing alliance Alianza por Chile. Since March 2010, it represents the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera with.

Election results

The Partido Nacional (PN ) ( National Party ) was a right-wing conservative party, which was created in 1965 from the two oldest parties in the country, the Partido Conservador ( PC) and the Partido Liberal (PL). She pulled away after the support of their coup in 1973.

Although the end of the 1980s resulting Renovación Nacional ( RN ) is not a legal successor of the PN, but ideologically, politically and properly staffed so closely related to her that they are presented here in a table. 1965 presented the added results of PC and PL.

Partido Nacional and Renovación Nacional: Election Results 1964 - 2005 By 1973 there were 150 deputies and 50 senators; Since 1989, only 120 or 38, the Senate is getting re-elected in half. Sources. Election results: Cruz - Coke. Population: Nohlen,

For more results see election results in Chile
