Naumann's Thrush

Stainless Tail (Turdus naumanni naumanni )

These 23 inch reach Siberian thrushes occurs in two distinctly different subspecies, of the grate tail choke ( T. n naumanni ) and the rust wing Thrush ( T. n eunomus ).

Rust tail throttle

The top is gray-brown. Breast and flanks are mottled strong rust on a white background. The tail is rusty. The rust tail throttle is breeding bird in southern Central and Eastern Siberia. Roving end rare birds arrive to Central and Western Europe.

Stainless wing choke

The top is dark brown, upper wings and rump are rust- brown. The body underside is white, the chest shows a broad band of black spots, the flanks are also strongly mottled black. The tail is blackish. The rust wing choke breeds throughout the northern parts of Central and Eastern Siberia. They also occasionally comes to Central and Western Europe.


Your reputation " QuapoS " is often confused with the Fieldfare, her singing is similar to the Redwing.
